Sunday, February 22, 2009

How can I improve my practice?

This is the guiding question which the 19 participants in the first workshop in the Technical Vocational Teacher Development program ask them selves. Monday February 16th they started on a journey of collaborative efforts of systematic improvement of their professional practice.

Each of the participants have created their own blog on which they intend to share accounts of their professional practice and their experiences regarding their efforts of improvements. The improvements planned by the participants cover different areas of teaching practice, as communications, drawing of technical models, community mobilization, demining, business skills, data collection, basic English grammar, surgical nursing, methodology of self improvement, introduction to carpentry tools to mention a few.

During the spring of 2009 the intention is that the Technical Vocational Teacher Development program will contribute to the establishment of a Southern Sudanese Technical Vocational blogsphere. This part of the program is partly inspired by the work of Jack Whitehead with Living Educational Theory at the University of Bath in England.

The Technical Vocational Teacher Development program offered by Akershus University College and Upper Nile University is a part of the NOK 65 million NUCOOP program for capacity building in Sudan partly financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs via The Norwegian Center for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU). SIU is a public Norwegian agency that promotes international cooperation in education and research.

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